What we are reading...

Capitalism without Capital
Jonathan Haskel & Stain Westlake

The Intelligent Investor
Benjamin Graham

The Hard Things About Hard Things
Ben Horowitz

The Signs Were There
Tim Steer

Lawrence Burns

The Lean Start Up
Eric Ries

Jason Calacanis

The World in 2050
The Economist

Start with Why
Simon Sinek

The Dollar Crisis Causes Consequences Cures
Richard Duncan

The Retreat of Globalisation
Gervais Williams

The 7% Club
Jenny Stillwell

Beyond Measure
Margaret Heffernan

Matthew Syed

The Accidental Billionaires
Ben Mezrich

The Future of Automotive
Steve Greenfield

The Power Law Venture Capital and Art of Disruption
Sebastian Mallaby

The 4 Disciplines of Execution
Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jum Huling

10x is easier than 2x
Dan Sullivan with Dr Benjamin Hardy

The Invested Investor
Peter Cowley

The Floundering Founder
Raman Sehgal

A Path through the Jungle
Professor Steve Peters