The First 90 Days


As Britain embraces change with Labour’s landslide victory, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the significance of short-term plans versus long-term objectives. This perspective is crucial for political transitions and investments, as the first 90 days can set the tone for future success.

Setting the Foundation for Success

Initial Assessment: The first 90 days of an investment are essential for a thorough assessment to ensure alignment with strategic goals. This involves evaluating the business model, market potential, and financial health.

Risk Identification: Early identification of potential risks is crucial. Investors examine market trends, competitor actions, and internal challenges to understand what might impact their investment.

Performance Benchmarks: Establishing performance benchmarks helps track progress. Key metrics such as revenue growth, customer acquisition, and cost management are closely monitored.

Celebrating Client Success: Affinity EV

I recently enjoyed working with Affinity EV, a new advisory client. During an intensive week in Ireland, I conducted a deep dive into the business, spending quality time with the team and shareholders. We examined every aspect of the company and set both long and short-term objectives. Using various mind maps, we crafted a comprehensive strategy for the first 90 days to help implement our plans effectively.

Strategic Areas of Focus

Our strategy for Affinity EV revolves around several key areas:

1. Financial Optimisation: Enhancing revenue growth, effective cost management, and improving profit margins.

2. Strategic Partnerships: Building strong, mutually beneficial partnerships for organic growth.

3. Market Expansion: Geographic diversification and exploring new market segments.

4. Product Diversification: Developing advanced charging solutions, introducing subscription services, and investing in technology and innovation.

5. Customer Experience: Enhancing the customer journey through integrated CRM systems and personalised offers.

6. R&D Investment: Committing resources to co-development initiatives and cutting-edge technology.

Labour’s Landslide Victory: What Happens Next?

With Labour’s significant victory, the auto industry, like many sectors, has set its goals for the new government. There is a clear emphasis on the need for long-term strategic decisions that support sustainable growth.

Industry Dynamics and Government Interaction

Automotive Industry Goals:
- Support for Greener Vehicles: The industry seeks more support for transitioning to greener vehicles, including incentives for electric vehicles (EVs) and investments in charging infrastructure.

Long-Term Thinking: Labour is being called on to avoid short-term political gains in favour of long-term, impactful decisions. This includes maintaining existing incentives and introducing new measures to support EV adoption and infrastructure development.

Challenges with the ZEV Mandate: One immediate issue requiring attention is the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate, which aims to accelerate the adoption of EVs. This mandate imposes strict targets on automakers to increase the percentage of zero-emission vehicles in their sales. The challenges associated with this mandate include:

- Infrastructure Development: Ensuring enough charging stations to support the growing number of EVs.

- Supply Chain Constraints: Addressing potential bottlenecks in the supply chain for essential EV components.

- Consumer Incentives: Providing sufficient incentives to make EVs attractive to consumers while ensuring affordability.


The first 90 days are critical for both investments and political mandates. Investors use this period to set a strong foundation, identify risks, and adjust. Similarly, Labour’s initial actions in power will determine their long-term impact on the UK's economy and governance. Understanding the importance of this timeframe helps navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead. Here’s to making the most of every early opportunity and setting the stage for long-term success.

Have a great week!